AI is the Future of Compliance and Monitoring
Having an intelligent AI Platform is Key
to Driving Workflow Efficiencies

Media companies are dealing with an increasing amount of content and data. Being able to quickly analyze the content and find relevant content is critical.
Actus AI is a solution for speeding up workflows, allowing content providers to automatically tag, organize, and categorize video recordings, search for spoken words and more. Our AI solution enables rapid retrieval of relevant content and clips creation for social media, OTT and the web. With AI, processes that used to require hours of manual labor are now completely instantaneous.
AI improves the workflow efficiency and response time and allows fast content turnaround and clips export for increasing the viewers’ engagement and build the brand visibility.

Actus AI provides intelligent content monitoring and searching that goes beyond searching by channel name, date/time, extracted metadata (i.e. as run/EPG, closed caption, etc).

AI Key Benefits:

  • Audio and Video analysis, beyond technical analysis
  • Ability to search for spoken words and texts on the video
  • Keywords detection and alerts
  • Facial recognition
  • Automatic alerts
  • Automatic ads and content detection
  • Automated clips automation to enable fast turnaround

From our Blog/News

Want to get started?

Call us at +1 407-506-3600 or leave the following details: