Actus Digital, the leading provider of compliance logging and monitoring systems, has proudly integrated with DataMiner systems for many years, enabling customers to centralize information from multiple sources. DataMiner’s powerful platform offers customizable real-time monitoring, analytics, control & orchestration capabilities, ensuring efficient management and operations of any modern media infrastructure, ultimately enhancing the customer experience.

The integration between DataMiner and the Actus System provides customers with a unified approach to managing and monitoring their recording channels and transcoding jobs. Operators can receive real-time alerts, enabling quick responses to any potential issues. This integration is all about driving efficiency and proactive management.

At IBC 2024, Actus Digital is excited to announce an extra level of integration with DataMiner, providing even more valuable insights and capabilities.

“Many of our customers have been using DataMiner systems in conjunction with Actus QA Compliance Logging for years. This enhanced integration will allow additional data from the Actus system to be seamlessly displayed within DataMiner, including new options like playing media directly from Actus,” said Sima Levy, CEO of Actus Digital. “Our customers prefer having all their information centralized, eliminating the need to switch between applications for analysis.”

Visit our booth at IBC 2024, Hall 7.C21, to learn more about how the Actus-Dataminer integration can benefit you.